HvA Student Information

Gender-neutral toilets at the HvA

HvA Pride has been put lots of effort into ensure that gender-neutral toilets became available at the HvA. The locations of where these are can be found here on the HvA website.

Instructions for name changes

  1. Go to Studielink and login with your DigiD.
  2. Change your wanted name under the "details" section.
  3. This change will take about 1 to 2 days to propergate through the HvA systems.
  4. Your wanted name should be changed within most HvA systems after this period.

Instructions for mail changes

  1. Go to the ICT services website.
  2. Create a ticket for Office 365.
  3. Indicate that you want your email changed from x@hva.nl to y@hva.nl. So your old mail adress vs the new desired one.
  4. Wait for responce! This will usually be arranged fairly quickly, after which you can login and mail with these new detials.